In the time that's passed since I last posted on here properly I've made a few decisions about how I want to manage this site. I'm planning on mixing up the kinds of posts that publish here to include more than just reviews, something that will hopefully allow me to keep a consistent output of posts as I never want to find myself leaving the kind of gaps between posts as I did during the last few months. I've got lots planned and I intend to keep my word and push myself to make this blog the best that it can be.
A change that will begin right away, with this post, is that my Pins of the Week posts will now be entirely film-centric, something that I believe I tried in my last Pinterest post. As I'm sure you will have noticed from my Monthly Recap posts I watch an incredibly high number of films, and because of this many films that I have enjoyed go unmentioned on here. While the changes to the content I post will help to amend this I think that these weekly image based posts are the perfect way to draw attention to films that have a particular aesthetic quality that I've enjoyed, or simply show you some of my favourite films and characters.
You can find my Pinterest here.
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