Due to all this time spent at work I have been receiving my drip-feed of Comic Con updates via various Twitter accounts and the odd blog. Several items have caught my heavy-lidded eye, and a lot of what I've read has been positive, which is always good, so I thought I would put together a collection of the updates that have got me the most (or least) excited.
1. Man of Steel.
As with most films that get a panel at the convention, Man of Steel got an exclusive poster for the event. Unlike many films that get a poster at the convention, Man of Steel's was pure awesome-sauce.
This poster alone has amped up my excitement for this new iteration of the famed boy-scout to a new high, the stylish, Nolanised footage that was apparently shown is also helping though, and I can't wait to see it. I love the simplicity of this poster, it's dark, it shows of the stunning detail of the new costume (which I actually love), and it sets an unmistakable tone for what this film is going to be. Cannot wait!
2. Ant-Man.
So ever since news arrived of Marvel pushing a film featuring their beloved hero Ant-Man, I've been more than a little underwhelmed. With a perfect (in my mind) Avengers line-up I have been fairly sceptical at the prospect of this size-altering addition to the crew. However, descriptions of the footage previewed at the panel has piqued my interest. It sounds as though the depiction of the little (or large, it depends) fellow's powers will actually be a little brilliant, and a hella funny. With Edgar Wright at the helm the comedic tone is sure to be present, I just hope Marvel isn't pushing for fully-fledged comedy after the success of The Avenger's and The Amazing Spider-Man's numerous one-liners.
4. Mondo.
So the famed art house revealed yet another fantastic poster, this time for The Dark Knight Rises, designed by Olly Moss. Not only that, but they also revealed that this particular print will be available for mass purchase, a first for the group, who specialise in collectors pieces, with the total number of purchases defining the total number of prints. As great as this is I can't help but feel the poster could be a little ...better? Don't get me wrong, I think it's a stunning design, but I just expected something a little more from Mr Moss. I'm a huge fan of his posters, the simplistic designs which play utilise colour and shapes brilliantly, I especially loved his poster for a Black Widow movie released earlier in the year. This Dark Knight Rises piece is just abit too ...I don't know. I really can't put my finger on it.
5. Buffy Turns 20.
I love Buffy. This year marks twenty years since the original film hit cinemas and so it's lovely to see that there is still enough interest to warrant a panel. The panel featured writers of both the show and the comics, along with Nicholas Brendan, Clare Kramer and James Martsers. It was essentially just a Buffy-love fest with everyone sharing their favourite moments and memories. I would have absolutely loved to have been there. I just hope this doesn't add any momentum to the proposed reboot film.
There were tons of other revelations and exciting panels this year but I won't go into detail with all of those. Pacific Rim sounds extremely interesting, Godzilla sounds just plain awesome and upcoming game Injustice: Gods Among Us is looking slightly better than I initially thought. But only slightly. Oh, and the trailer for the next half of True Blood Season 5 was epic.
Has anyone else been following the updates from the convention? Anything I forgot to mention or need to check out?
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